Okuma - MA 600 HB

  • FabrikatOkuma
  • TypMA 600 HB
  • Lagernummer1169
  • Baujahr2007

Technische Details

  • Palettenlänge630 mm
  • Palettenbreite630 mm
  • Längsachse X1000 mm
  • Quer Y900 mm
  • Vertikal Z1000 mm
  • Anzahl Paletten12  
  • Anzahl Werkzeugposition200  
  • CNC MarkeOkuma
  • CNC ModellOSP P 200M

  Make                                                                     OKUMA
                          Model                                                                    MA 600 HB
                          y.o.M.                                                                    2007
Data:                 control                                                                   OSP P-200M   
                          Pallet size                                                              630 x 630 mm
                          No. Of Pallets                                                       12 off
                          Pallet changing time                                             12 sec.
                          Pallet index                                                           1°
                          Pallet load                                                             1200 kg
                          Traverses X/Y/Z                                                   1.000/900/1000 mm
                          Feeds X/Y/Z                                                          1 - 60.000 mm/min
                          Rapids                                                                   60 m/min
                          Spindle power                                                       32/22  kW
                          Spindle speed                                                        6.000 rpm
                          No. Of Tools in magazine                                    200 off
                          Tool taper                                                              ISO DIN-50
                          Max Tool weight                                                   25 kg
                          Max Tool length                                                   450 mm
                          Max Tool diameter   full/empty                           140/240 mm
Equipment:       Swarf conveyor, Coolant/spindle 50 bar,  Schower coolant from roof, Hand gun for coolant, Auto tool measurement tool breakage control, Automatic zero point eith measuring probe Renishaw MP 10, Ethernet-version for connectionof Fastems Container system and DNC, MOP-Tool adaptive sensor for cutting force, Extra M-Code 8 off. The machine has a Fastems Container system with 2 loading stations. Aprixiametly 280 tool holders will follow with the machine. The machine can also be easily converted to run as a 2-pallet machine.

